University of Lincoln Academy Trust

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Meet our Trustees

Trustees (ID 1152)

  • Dr Anita Backhouse
    Chair of Trustees
  • Professor Duncan French
    (Whistleblowing Trustee)
  • Dr Edward Libbey
    (Vice Chair of Trust and Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee)
  • Ann Lloyd
    (Safeguarding Trustee)
  • William Naylor


The Trustees form the Board of Trustees of UOLAT and are Directors of the Trust. They set the strategic direction for the Trust and are accountable to the Secretary of State for the performance of the academies within it.

Trustees cannot be members of Academy Governing Committees (AGCs).

The Chair of the Trust is also a member.

The Board of Trustees has two subcommittees: Audit and Risk Committee and Nominations and Remunerations Committee. The Audit and Risk Committee has a minimum of 3 members (with the majority being Trustees). The Nominations and Remunerations Committee has the Chair, Vice Chair and one other Trustee.

Trustees must have the following skills: Expertise in strategic leadership; school improvement; financial skills; legal expertise; human resources; business development; educational research skills and experience as a governor. The Board of Trustees will normally have 6 to 10 members who serve for initially for a four-year period and at the discretion of Members an opportunity to serve for a second four-year period. The University of Lincoln, as sponsors, has three seats on the Board of Trustees; the remainder are independent of the University of Lincoln.

In line with the Academy trust handbook, the CEO is also the Accounting Officer for the Trust.

The Board of Trustees Core Functions

  • Strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy
  • Accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance
  • People with the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity
  • Structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities
  • Compliance with statutory and contractual requirements
  • Evaluation of governance to monitor and improve its quality and impact.

Trustees Statutory Duties

  • Act within their powers
  • Promote the success of the company
  • Exercise independent judgement
  • Exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence
  • Avoid conflicts of interest
  • Do not accept benefits from third parties
  • Declare interest in proposed transactions or arrangements.

The trustees must ensure regularity and propriety in use of the trust’s funds, and achieve economy, efficiency and effectiveness – the three elements of value for money.

The Board of Trustees has established the Scheme of Delegated Authority (SoDA) for Executive staff and for AGCs. The Trust will apply an approach of earned autonomy for AGCs, to reflect the success or otherwise of the academy. The SoDA is reviewed annually.