University of Lincoln Academy Trust

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UAH - Harvest 

UAH - Harvest

During the first half of term, UAH celebrated Harvest, with a number of events in school. Pupils from all years were invited to donate non-perishable food items, which were then donated to the local food bank. Pupils in KS3 and 4 attended themed assemblies, with the Year 7 assembly being a celebration, featuring readers from the year group, music provided by Chamber Choir and invited guests, including representatives from the food bank and the local Methodist minister, Rev. Luke Smith. Year 8 also enjoyed an assembly given by Micki and Paul Carey-Slater, which, as ever, was entertaining and thought-provoking in equal measure. As part of the festival, each tutor group in year 7 designed a bread wheatsheaf and then representatives from each group created these in dough, with the help of Head of Food, Mrs Brogden. There were some super efforts, with lots of lovely bread mice crawling up the sheaves of corn! Through the celebrations, pupils considered the importance of being grateful for the food we eat and for the work that goes into producing it; the history of the celebration of harvest and its importance and the impact of food miles on the environment.